Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Homeopathic Remedies - Homeopathic Remedies that have been Proven to Work

Want homeopathic remedies?

Well, I am going to tell you what homeopathic remedies worked for me.

About 12 years ago, I had a horrible case of bronchitis. I never believed in natural cures back then so I went to the doctor… and then back to the doctor… and then back to the doctor because it never went away. For 3 months, I had this horrific cough that was making me nuts. The doctor put me on antibiotic after antibiotic and then he put me on steroids. I was only about 28 years old… way too young for all of that.

Well, I am happy to say, I am 41 now (ok, that’s not the good news.. ha, ha) and I haven’t had a case of bronchitis since then. Nor have I hardly had a cold… and when I do have one, it is always a short version because I now know how to cure it naturally.

Ok, I will continue with my story. So I had had it at this point. I was talking on the phone at work to some stranger and she couldn’t help but comment on my chronic cough. I had told her I had bronchitis for 3 months and she told me exactly what to do. Had it been 3 months earlier, I would have thought she was nuts but at this point, I was willing to try anything.

She told me to do 2 things… 1. to start drinking fresh carrot juice and 2. to go buy “homeopathic cold pills” from my local health store.

In the back of my mind, I still thought this was crazy but I did it anyway. I went to the local health store for a few days and bought carrot juice and I bought the “cold pills” as well.

In 3 days, I was a new person! My cough was GONE. I couldn’t believe it. 3 months of taking drug after drug… and paying money after money! After that, I went out and bought a juicer and started juicing carrots every day. Since then, I have gotten married and had a child so I have been limited on time and the last thing I feel like doing at the end of the day is cleaning up a juicer… so I have stuck with the homeopathic cold pills as well as chewable Esther Vitamin C. They both work really well to stop bronchitis naturally. And again, I have never had a problem like I did 12 years ago.

I also use this homeopathic cold pills for my preschooler. I give them to her as often as the bottle says and in 48 hours, her cold is gone. It really works.

But please don’t spend a lot of money on homeopathic cold pills, though… or any vitamins for that matter. I have bought homeopathic cold pills as well as other vitamins at my local health stores and spent way too much on them… for way too long. You can buy them for a lot cheaper online.

To see a place where you can buy homeopathic cold tablets for cheaper, visit

To find more all natural cures, visit